Level 1 - Introduction to Tots

Achieving A Postural Foundation for Optimal Function (16 hrs.)

• The objective of Level 1 is to help patients achieve symmetrical mobility and vertical postural alignment

as a foundation for higher level motor control.

• This program features of basics of the TMR Tots concept, the role of healing by shortening, alignment and mobility for the acquisition of postural control.

• This is a course in which the participant learns to self-treat on themselves and treat a doll that simulates a child with challenges most often seen clinically.

• The practical component prepares the participant to apply basic techniques to their patients immediately following the class.


In this 16-hour program the basics of the TMR Tots system are presented. The workshop itself is presented in (2) - 8 hour days onsite.

It is also offered over (4)- 4 1/2 hour days via live online streaming where the attendee actively participates with questions as if on-site with the instructor while they learn to implement the Tots protocol including the 3 ABC components of Release, Organize & Activate.

The primary program objective is to provide the client with the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential in motor skills, as well as their best postural foundation for optimal health, physiological function and comfort. To this end, this unique class includes the following FREE Course Features included with registration:

1) An hour-long pre-workshop video that explains the development of Tots and the scientific evidence supporting the concept based on osteopathic medicine.

2) Ability to jump start learning the concept by previewing a fully pre-recorded video edition of the class prior to attending the online class &/or review the course material following the course. Links for this program are sent to the participant for upon request.

3) Unlimited retakes live online of the entire 16 hour class.

4) 1:1 Coaching with instructor

5) Invitation to private Face Book group membership to brainstorm & network with peers – share challenges and successes!

Program Topics

Day 1- Devoted to mastering the Release component of TMR learning one basic motion to enable the therapist to begin to utilize the concept Monday morning after the class by improvement of range of motion for a more stable postural foundation.

•Participants actively explore the testing and treatment system on themselves utilizing 5 less frequently utilized treatment strategies to empower patients and treat with comfort.

•Next, we use dolls taped to simulate patients with various postural asymmetries and learn how to assess and treat a small child.

Day 2 -Addresses the strategies to precisely select and apply the components of Organize and Activate to provide sensory information to have patients own newly accessed mobility in daily routines.

• The TMR program is based on the International Classification of Function (ICF) . Improvement in balance of the body infrastructure improves ability to engage in activities and participation. The patient concerns and ecosystem are the central focus. Home programs are based on their individual choices.

• The therapist’s doll becomes a model to teach and empower caregivers as they learn how to manage their family member’s challenges and select how to incorporate therapeutic positions and play into

their unique daily routine.

• While TMR Tots was not developed for torticollis, clinical experience and patient preference have made the next section and important feature in this class 10 grades of complexity in patterns of torticollis have been described in TMR Tots. In this workshop we cover the assessment and treatment of the 2 basic patterns as well as the relationship to trunk and extremity mobility.

• The Functional Limitation Checklist is introduced to explore the impact on achievement of symmetrical motor milestones that accompany the neck asymmetry These are explored in labs simulating the restrictions in range and impaired transitions and mobility.

• The Patient Profile - (The Can Do List) documents the patient’s strengths upon which objective

functional measurements are documented each visit.

• The 10 step protocol for documentation is described. These steps have received accolades as a model in providing intervention in birth to three, but apply to all ages.

• Finally, an overview of application of TMR Tots and Teens to various orthopedic and neurological cases is described in a variety of case studies.

This is a knowledge & skills class with active labs where you learn by feeling & experiencing testing and treating the motions on yourself.Lectures highlight and clarify what you experience as you learn to assess & treat with these basic motions. There is no need to take notes! All information presented is available for post course review in the pdf provided and presented in pre-recorded class videos.

The instructor describes selected assessments and treatment of congenital muscular torticollis (CMT.) These 2 grades of imbalance are the key to treatment of CMT by assessment of related interconnections in the whole body. You will explore these 2 patterns of postural asymmetry and the related functional outcomes associated with these common patterns to begin to immediately begin tear free treatment of children! (The 8 more complex patterns or grades are presented in the Level 2 class)

The associated restrictions related to CMT have similar clinical implications and applications in patients with a wide variety of movement challenges in orthopedic and neurological diagnoses such as CP, SMA, coordination disorders, Down & Rett syndromes as well as children with developmental delays, sensory integration

challenges and ASD. You will have the opportunity to simulate the related postural challenges and changes described in the case studies presented.

There are no shortcuts to expertise as we master the basic material foundational skills. However, with just the basic material of this class you will be prepared to help patients turn a corner on Monday morning! (This is how the developer began and helped many of the children shown on the website videos in her first 6 months

of using TMR)

As you develop confidence with implementing the motions you will be able to expand your understanding of the concept and progress with your proficiency by unlimited free retakes streaming the class &/oraccess to videos of a prerecorded class to view on your own. Practice videos are available to view on your own to

master all the TMR motions at your own pace.

Move down the decision tree and build on your skill set as you develop confidence and observe success in your practice. This continued instruction will prepare you to progress to the complete curriculum continued in Level 2.


By the end of this workshop the participant will be able to:

• Describe the benefits of utilizing treating elsewhere in the body, shortening, patient thinking, patient directed, movement into ease to identify key areas, empower patients and do no harm in treatment.

• Design an original home program of intervention utilizing the results of the TMR screening test for limitations in mid trunk rotation and side bend

• Determine how the TMR Tots evaluation prioritizes the order in which to treat the tested TMR motion in the rotation and side bend planes that based on the evaluation would be most appropriate for treatment of a limitation in mobility

• Differentiate / analyze which of the 2 TMR restricted motions is most appropriate to treat in order to improve 2 common postural asymmetries.

• Demonstrate on themselves how to model the 2 TMR motions motion to teach a caregivers & patient the selected TMR motion.

• Demonstrate the 2 positions for the TMR Screening Test to screen an infant for postural imbalances

• Demonstrate on a doll how to evaluate for limited range of motion in trunk rotation & side bending testing

• Describe an example of the relationship between treatment of range limitation in a TMR motion in 1

area and improvement of a functional limitation in another area of the body.

• Define the first 4 TMR motions and label the 3 key motions used in treatment of infants, and 3 key TMR motions for toddlers and older patients.

• Describe 3 issues that might cause immobilization in the womb & contribute to possible torticollis.

• Identify 3 red flags for asymmetry which might beyond the scope of TMR Tots ®

• Describe 3 challenges with acquisition of developmental milestones associated with torticollis.

• Demonstrate on a doll how to assess and instruct a caregiver in the treatment via telehealth.

• Explain how the ICF model matches the TMR Tots 10 step protocol+ patient in center, body structure & function, activities & participation/

• Demonstrate the 3 steps or ABCs of TMR Tots® - Organize & Activate treating a doll with left Upper Twist, left Side Bend Preference