Tots FAQs - Therapists

What age patients benefit from Tots?

Birth to 100          

Tots is appropriate for anyone else of any age that would benefit from assistance to guide them through the motions. Any patient requiring assistance or hands on cues to assess and perform motions due to age, intellectual challenges, limitations In body awareness from infant to geriatrics. While Tots was initially developed for children, the concept has expanded to benefit “kids” of all ages up to 99. It is especially beneficial for older adults with pain or poor body awareness as well as adults with intellectual challenges.

 Is TMR based on science?

TMR is cutting edge science based on the most recent advances in understanding the effect of manual care on soft tissue down to the cellular level. Numerous studies have been published in peer reviewed journals on the effectiveness of TMR

How do TMR and TMR Tots differ?

• Total Motion Release (TMR) is an innovative systematic for assessment and treatment based on a modified Stain Counterstrain concept which is utilized by physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and athletic trainers. The original TMR system was developed to identify areas of hypo-mobility causing pain and limitations in in postural symmetry, range of motion, respiration elsewhere in the body Utilizing a quick screening tool, the therapist teaches the patient to identify areas of restricted mobility and self treat to resolve issues by moving into directions of ease and comfort. By testing the whole body and treating the symptomatic area indirectly key restrictions may be identified which would otherwise limit results. The has been used in a wide variety of adult orthopedic diagnoses from sports injuries, back pain to joint replacements.      • TMR Tots & Teens was developed for patients & clients of all age groups (0-99) Originally designed for teaching caregivers and consulting in pediatric settings, the Tots & Teens version has been found to be appicacable to patients of all ages with limitations in body awareness or ability to follow cues to exercise due to age, intellectual delays, pain or neurological issues. Tots & Teens has been called the prep work for all you do as a therapist The first goal is achievement of postural symmetry as a foundation for optimal motor control & pulmonary function. Later the same systematic assessment of asymmetries may be applied to organize a concise care plan to indirectly develop motor control using evidence based principles of neuroplasticity.  • Rather than working on a skill ie; apparent left upper extremity neglect limiting motor control, the systematic assessment might identify limited transverse plane rotation to the right at ribs 7-10. This hypomobility may limit respirations for speech, change the midline for function for right hand use such as placement of paper on desk in classroom, and move the left upper extremity out of the line of vision, limiting access to the left upper extremity to develop motor control       • Using the same total body assessment system the therapist guides or assists the patient to identiy directions of ease. The system records a patient’s strengths as well as needs to identify descrite improvments in functional outcomes.     • Rather than working on a skill ie; apparent left upper extremity neglect limiting motor control, the systematic assessment might identify limited transverse plane rotation to the right at ribs 7-10. This hypomobility may limit respirations for speech, change the midline for function for right hand use such as placement of paper on desk in classroom, and move the left upper extremity out of the line of vision, limiting access to the left upper extremity to develop motor control   • Using the same total body assessment system the therapist guides or assists the patient to identiy directions of ease. The system records a patient’s strengths as well as needs to identify discrete improvments in functional outcomes.     • Tots is a hands on guided version of TMR/Patients that do not have the body awareness to be able to follow cues to self assess, those with intellectual disabilities, patients with extreme pain that are afraid the move, and developing infants and children benefit from guided TMR . While Tots was initially developed for pediatrics it was found to be equally beneficial for anyone needing assistance in assessment & treatment and. That Includes “kids” or “teens” of all ages up to 99!  • TMR primarily helps a patient resolve pain, restore function, return to ADLs (get back on a bike).   • Tots may be used for rehabilitation as well, but primarily is focused on habilitation - simultaneously gaining mobility and a postural foundation to progress with skill development (learning to ride the bike).

What TMR Tots Classes Are Offered? 

A.  Level 1 – Intro to Tots – 16 Hours              

a. Live Online Streamed Or Live Onsite              

b. Free Retakes Online – Space Permitting Onsite              

c. Free Access To Prerecorded Class To Review                   

B.  Basic Tots = Level 1 Intro + Level 2 Intermediate– 16 Hours Each                 

a. Taken 6-18 Months Apart                 

b. Covers The Complete Tots Concept                 

c. Live Online Streamed Or Live Onsite                 

d. Repeat Level 1 Prerequisite for attending Level 2


C. Level 3 - Mastery Workshop - 16 Hours               

a. Brainstorming & Treatment of Complex Patients.                   

Note: Ideally Taken in Person, but Available to Stream             

b. mastering the application with most complex cases of CP and includes layering of additional tools and strategies on top of a TMR foundation

What is the difference between Level 1 & Level 2 TMR Tots?

A. Level 1 provides basic instruction in the 10-step protocol,              

a. The 3 components of TMR Release-Organize-Activate             

b.  Development of basic home programs               

c.  Treatment with simple one plane motions               

d.  Introduction to the functional limitation checklist               

e.  How to treat 2 of the 10 grades of torticollis         

B. Level 2 includes               

a.  Treatment in multi-planar motions more applicable to therapeutic play activities               

b.  Progression through a decision tree for accelerating progress &/or working with challenging patients               

c.  Varying positions of assessment and treatment for medical or developmental challenges               

d.  The additional 8 more complex grades of torticollis               

e.  Applying the protocol to motor control using cross-education and interconnection of strength through the entire body

What are my options to attend a course?  

 a)  Seminars are streamed online to accommodate a wide variety of schedules and time zones           

b)  The onsite classes are 16 hours 2 consecutive days typically Saturday/Sunday 8 hours x 2 = 16           

c)  Online courses are offered 2 consecutive weekends - Saturday/Sunday 4 hours each day x 4 = 16 to accommodate families needing shorter days

I’m not in Continental USA. How can I attend from overseas?

a)  Alaska, Hawaii and European participants can attend Sat & Sun afternoon/evenings for 4 hours on 2 consecutive weekends since classes are streamed from the New York (Eastern USA time zone)          

b)  Asian & Australian/ New Zealand participants can attend on Saturday & Sunday mornings or afternoons for 4 hours on 2 consecutive weekends since classes are streamed Fri & Sat evenings from the New York (Eastern USA time zone) 

What if my faith limits the days I can attend?

 a) Onsite courses are offered on 2 consecutive weekdays when faith limits weekend attendance. Streaming options are available on the website. Look for the dates that have the course on Thursdays and Sunday

Is It necessary to attend a class in person?

a) No. Classes are offered both onsite and online to meet your learning style. All labs are done using only a doll so that streaming Tots 1 can be just as beneficial as in person class.       

b) 1:1 feedback in available in post course coaching.       

c) Advanced classes are ideally taken in person, when possible, to participate in the clinical observation of patient demos.        d) Both count as live classes because you actively participate and providing proof at intervals in the program of your attendance demonstrating your participation.       

e) Since telehealth strategies were added to the course in 2020, many attendees reported that they no longer needed to come in person. The class is live streamed to 6 continents.         

Save your travel expenses as you learn Tots your PJs! But you are also welcome to come to an onsite course to meet you in person.

What if I need even more help during the streamed class?

a) Onsite courses are offered on 2 consecutive weekdays when faith limits weekend attendance. Streaming options may be available on request

 If I attend online, can I retake in a class in person?

a)  Retakes are always free. Depending on space limitations new participants have priority registering for an onsite course. Confirm availability with the instructor before booking non-refundable travel arrangements.

How long do I have to take the courses if I purchase a package?

a) That is totally up to you and the pace at which you wish to learn. Typical participants complete the prerequisite retake of Level 1 (video, in-person or online) in 3-6 months and progress to Level 2. Others may take a year or more solidifying their skill set. There is no time limit but if you need to take a significant break between levels, please retake the class again before adding strategies so that you are ready to hit the ground running. Just go on the website to register for your preferred date when you are ready and click already registered.

How to do I get started when online dates do not fit my schedule?

 a)  Don’t wait on helping your clients! Get a jump start learning Tots by registering for a future class and watching the fully recorded class now! 4-week access to videos included in your registration. Request the free video again and again and then take the course for credit online or onsite when your schedule allows.

Can I change my dates for classes?

a) Of course! Life happens and you will be given full credit toward a future class.          

b) You can either reschedule or TMR will hold your credit until you can attend.          

Note: Onsite classes are quickly SOLD OUT with wait lists. Please notify us ASAP if you are unable to attend an in-person course to enable someone else to come that is hoping for a spot.

Are the seminars approved for continuing educations credits?

a) Yes. Seminars are approved by AOTA for OTs & COTAs, NCBTMB for LMTS, State PT Boards and PT. Associations, CE Broker for FL, and. Illinois Early Intervention special requirement for pediatric therapists. Click here to see approvals by states. Click here to see approvals by states        

b) Both onsite & live online courses are considered for LIVE credit since they are interactive. As you participate in labs during streamlined courses you can be viewed on zoom to allow instructor to provide feedback. During lectures microphones and chats are opened for questions and discussion.       

c) Because you are providing video proof (Zoom video on) of your attendance at a live streamed course and that you are actively participating in the course. The moderator reviews the video feeds at intervals determined by them.       

d) Those participating online must scan or photograph their homework at the end of each day. The forms are uploaded to a website to be reviewed by the instructor and a certificate is downloaded to the email you provided within the following week.

Do I need special computer experience to participate?

a) No. As long as you have a computer you will just click on a link to be taken to a zoom webpage. All you need to know is how to get on a Zoom video using the link provided.       

b) Your best option is to use a PC or Mac in order to view both the lecture slides and demonstrations in a side by side setting You are invited to chat and ask questions throughout the day.Note: A computer is preferable to a tablet so that you can simultaneously view both the PowerPoint videos & the instructor as well as pin fellow participants during certain online Demos.       

c) The moderator can generally help you if you are having issues once you are signed on.

What is the difference between coaching & consults with instructor?

 a) Coaching (Free) - Free post course follow up via zoom, email, or by phone is included in your registration. This allows the instructor opportunities to support the participant in understanding and implementing the course material. Coaching provides an opportunity bring your question or challenges and share successes. Hours are planned to accommodate various time zones and schedules.       

b) Consults (Fee based) - Observation of the treating therapist by the instructor as they work with an individual client during a therapy session. Most beneficial for challenging cases to brainstorm and offer assessment and treatment ideas